DICE is so committed to fixing Battlefield 2042, it's not starting any new projects | Shacknews

2022-08-14 14:25:10 By : Ms. Sophie Sun

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EA DICE general manager Rebecka Coutaz says the team is committed to making Battlefield 2042 a game it can be proud of, and everything else is on hold.

Battlefield 2042 was an epic flop. Between missing features, broken mechanics, and mile-long lists of bugs, it was in no way what fans wanted to see out of a much beloved FPS franchise. However, Electronic Arts and developer DICE are not giving up on the game. Rather than cut their losses and move on, relatively new general manager Rebecka Coutaz says the team is dedicated to fixing Battlefield 2042 and it’s pretty much the only thing DICE will have time for over the course of the next few years.

Coutaz shared her thoughts on Battlefield 2042 in a recent conversation with GamesIndustry.biz, where she laid out the team’s commitment to fixing the game. That means not working on anything new, including a possible return to franchises like Mirror’s Edge. When asked about other projects such as Mirror’s Edge, Coutaz was adamant about the team’s efforts to fix Battlefield and make it a game the team can eventually be proud of.

It's a bit of an uphill battle to transform Battlefield 2042 into something good, but one DICE isn’t shying away from.

“We are only focusing on Battlefield 2042,” Coutaz said. “There is no time for anything else and this is what we want to do. In three years, we want to be the first-person shooter powerhouse that DICE deserves to be, and that is what we're going for.”

Coutaz would go on to say that for some of the DICE team, it’s a bit of a vendetta to turn perception of the game around.

“I want the team to be really proud about Battlefield 2042,” she continues. “That is what they are chasing and they have their heart and the passion there. We want to be really, really proud of DICE. We want DICE to be the number one spot for first-person shooter games in Europe, and one of the powerhouses in the world. It's a fabulous team. We're going to make magic together.”

In our review of Battlefield 2042, we were downtrodden about the state of the game, seeing how it shipped in a clearly unacceptable state. Between a lack of cohesiveness in modes and maps, a questionable swap of the class system, a difficult UI, and other issues, it just wasn’t good. It can certainly be said that on a long enough timeline, EA and DICE might be able to fix these issues and make Battlefield 2042 into the game it was supposed to be. The reasonable question then becomes, at that point, will anyone still care? Stay tuned as we continue to follow this story for further updates.

TJ Denzer is a player and writer with a passion for games that has dominated a lifetime. He found his way to the Shacknews roster in late 2019 and has worked his way to Senior News Editor since. Between news coverage, he also aides notably in livestream projects like the indie game-focused Indie-licious, the Shacknews Stimulus Games, and the Shacknews Dump. You can reach him at tj.denzer@shacknews.com and also find him on Twitter @JohnnyChugs.

TJ Denzer posted a new article, DICE is so committed to fixing Battlefield 2042, it's not starting any new projects

Someone let me know when it's safe to buy.

worth it at full price!

When it’s free on gamepass shortly.

Picked it up for $19 from JB Hi-Fi. Definitely getting my money's worth playing with mates.

Gut feel is that this is an absolute lie.

Her words are corporate garbage

Hahaha oh dear. Wrong call. Needs anthem style termination

Not starting any new projects...code words for prepping for massive downsizing?

Need to ask themselves why they released it in that state to begin with.

it's worked well for them in the past I assume but you can only roll on reputation for so long

They started out making a Battle Royale and two years into development that people were expecting a Battlefield game instead of a Battle Royale game. "But you guys were going to call it Battlefield 2042, what the hell?"

In reality "Help, we are trapped in an EA laundry and need help!"

I've tried to play, but after waiting 15 minutes in a lobby of 6 people I gave up and uninstalled.

Remove operators, replace with full character customization.

Why they didn't expand upon BFV I haven't a clue. Give us some sunglasses, beards, bandannas, hats, whatevers to customize it up.

Welp, I guess DICE will never make another game.

Don’t be sad /shoots self

Opposite feels of that Antonio Banderas video.


No kidding :( , I really hate reading this sort on info it makes me feel old + sad & like all hope is gone. On the flip side even if it ends up to be really bad and another casualty of the corporation and EA I am sure another company will try and carry the torch. Regardless, DICE doesn't deserve this(at all, can't stress this enough), same with Frostbite, Battlefield and any other projects they wanted to make or continue. Maybe EA did not get the memo on Elden Ring... is it just me or so many of these massive corporation / MEGA companies are loosing touch of what works and what consumers want or what made them successful? Some times I feel like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRL80YB0x3s&t=6s , maybe this will be the official "Opposite feels of that Antonio Banderas video" :) Crazy times we live in, I am sure tomorrow it will be a better day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am trying out Sonic Origins right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This and sunk cost fallacy are so apt. Sometimes you gotta call it a loss apologize and say what you will do and prove it next time to earn trust.

yup. the game had no idea what it was supposed to be, nothing was polished nor ready to play. part BR, part division dark zone, part battlelog DIY game hosting (portal mode), part battlefield (breakthrough mode) then we get into "WTF WERE YOU THINKING" when they added zombies to portal mode, and removed it 24 hours later due to XP farming games being spun up so fast it lagged all game clients call it a loss, leave 2042 to rot. move on. this game cannot be salvaged, because it's not a game, its a disjointed game by focus group. no vision from directors or producers, it's throwing a bunch of games at people going "MAKE YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE" which fails miserably because there's no common playerbase in any of them. earn our trust in a new thing, not applying duct tape to a house that's already been hit and flattened by a hurricane. you can't save it.

they need to do another free weekend. i used the last 2hrs of my free trial after the new patch/map and the game is much better - but no one is going to pay to find that out.

They need to strip out all the garbage, including the specialists, and make most of it f2p

They should've done the F2P thing with Hardline YEARS ago but never did. I don't think they'll do this with 2042.

I’d like another mirror’s edge, please

Game is $20 right now on Amazon.

But then I would have to still reward DICE for their turd. I'll wait for Gamepass or not at all. I know they get a cut from GP but other than a used copy it's the best I'll do for them. DICE doesn't get rewarded with a sale from me for that flaming dumpster.

It’s not a turd

Sorry. It's a whole steaming pile crap.